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IOM Determinants of Migrant Vulnerability Study

The International Organization for Migration’s Handbook on Protection and Assistance to Vulnerable Migrants is intended to support case managers, service providers, communities, humanitarian and development actors, states and other actors working around the world to provide protection and assistance to migrants vulnerable to violence, exploitation and abuse.

Merits Partnership was contracted by IOM to develop a series of guidance documents for the handbook, to elaborate the determinants of migrant vulnerability model at the household, community, and structural levels, and to describe appropriate programmatic responses for addressing migrant vulnerability in a variety of crisis and development contexts and at all points on the migration route. This assignment involved developing the guidance documents and tools and then field testing them with teams in Ethiopia, Uganda, Brazil, Mexico, Thailand and Lao PDR. The assignment also involved conducting good practice assessment visits in El Salvador and Greece as well as interviews with a variety of global experts, to inform the development of the guidance related to programmatic responses.

The final report including tools is available here.

Preparing IOM migrant focus group discussions - Ethiopia
IOM host community interviews - Uganda
IOM field interviews - Horn of Africa
Combined evaluation of the European Union’s humanitarian interventions in Iraq and in the Protection sector between 2014 and 2018

This evaluation focused upon the humanitarian protection programming of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (DG ECHO) globally including in Iraq over a five year period, as well as the Commission’s non-protection humanitarian programming in Iraq during the same time period. Merits Partnership was contracted by Transtec to design the approach and methodology and to lead the team of thematic experts, researchers as well as a local partner organisation in gathering and comparatively analysing global data and Iraq data (based on significant fieldwork in Iraq and Jordan) and in producing the project deliverables. The assignment also involved conducting 3 case studies: on integrating child protection in education in emergency programming in Iraq; on the detention sector in Iraq; and on an integrated response in Iraq, that is, a response that integrated together various components such as WASH, shelter, and camp coordination and camp management (CCCM).

The final report is available here.

IDP camp near Mosul - Iraq
Damaged bridge over Tigris river at Mosul - Iraq
Field interviews with IDP camp managers - Western Iraq
OAS: Evaluation of the Inter-American Observatory on Drugs
(2015-2016) (in Spanish)

The Inter-American Observatory on Drugs, commonly known by its Spanish language acronym, OID, is CICAD's (Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission, known by its Spanish language acronym, CICAD) research unit, providing support to OAS member states in the collection and analysis of data on the drug problem so that they can design more effective national drug policies. In 2016, Merits Partnership conducted an evaluation of the OID’s portfolio of projects over the 10-year period from 2005 to 2015, focusing in particular on capacity and institutional strengthening for the collection and analysis of data related to the production and consumption of drugs in the hemisphere.

The final report (in Spanish) is available here.

Oxfam Research study into self-protection and coping strategies of refugees from Syria in Lebanon and host communities
in Lebanon


This qualitative research study for Oxfam was aimed at understanding the challenges and coping strategies of Syrian refugees and Palestinian refugees from Syria in Lebanon as well as of host communities, particularly related to protection issues and livelihoods. As part of the assignment, Merits Partnership conducted interviews with approximately 250 individuals across the different regions of Lebanon, mostly refugees and host community members though also representatives of other organisations working with refugees in the country and thematic experts. The final report was presented to Oxfam and its partners in a series of workshops in Lebanon, and was used as an evidence base to inform response programming by Oxfam and its partners.



Oxfam interviews in Sabra and Shatila refugee camps - Lebanon
Oxfam interviews in Bekaa valley - Lebanon
Refugee informal settlement, Bekaa valley - Lebanon
UNICEF Global Evaluation Quality Assurance System

The Global Evaluation Reports Oversight System (GEROS) is a process aimed at strengthening UNICEF’s evaluation function, including through quality control of project and programme evaluations of UNICEF activities as well as by providing feedback regarding what works, where and for who. Merits Partnership partnered with Impact Ready LLP to refine the GEROS quality control processes and to develop a new evaluation review tool, as well as to assess the quality of evaluation reports. Merits also provided training to evaluation reviewers in addition to methodological and expert quality control advice to ensure the quality of evaluation report assessments.



UNICEF project planning session - United Kingdom
Oxfam Mexico: Monitoring and
Evaluation Capacity Building


Oxfam Mexico’s work aims to open public spaces for debates seeking to reduce economic, social and gender inequality, through concrete interventions as well as through awareness-raising and advocacy activities. Merits Partnership was contracted to support Oxfam Mexico’s capacity in monitoring, evaluation and learning. In addition to providing support for the development of planning and monitoring tools for the project “The Gender Inequality Gap: strengthening women’s development and gender justice through influencing public policies on unpaid and care work”, we led a two-day workshop for the programmes team focusing on understanding results chains and logical frameworks, as well as on analysing monitoring data and producing effective results-focused reports.



Oxfam M&E capacity building session 1 - Mexico
Oxfam M&E capacity building session 2 - Mexico
DG ECHO Evaluation
IOM Study
OAS Evaluation
Oxfam Study
Oxfam Mexico

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