October 2020
Lectures at the University of Lund on Migration Programming
Robert is pleased to have been back at the University of Lund in Sweden, where he lectured several times in September to graduate students in the faculty of social sciences. The lectures were titled “Migration Programming: Lessons from the Field”, and focused upon how effective refugee and migrant-related programming is put in place from the point of view of an international organisation, with particular attention given to understanding beneficiary needs as a basis for then designing and implementing appropriate programming.
October 2020
Strategic Progress Review for the Association for Women’s Rights in Development (AWID)
Our working collaboration with AWID continues, and this year we are conducting the Strategic Progress Review of their Strategic Plan 2018-2022. With Monica at the helm, this project is kicking into high gear, with stakeholder consultations to assess AWID’s progress towards achieving their Organisational Objectives, as well as strategically assessing the contributions of organisational tactics towards fulfilling AWID’s role as a movement-support organisation.
October 2020
New Merits Partnership Website Launched
After several months of work, we are excited to launch our newly redesigned website. Many thanks to Serge Cloutier of drafter.com for all his hard work on it!